• From Stage to Page writing series

    Annie's New Speaking Series

    Annie is now available to lead workshops from her speaking series, From Stage to Page. With an MFA in acting and as a member of the Screen Actors Guild, Annie shares her experiences and education in theatre and how she incorporates them into her writing.

    Her first session will be feature how to use acting techniques to create literary characters. Learn how Stanislavsky’s acting lessons can help authors build rich, relatable characters.

    Other topics include:

    • THE ROVING THIRD HAND: methods for writing romance and fight scenes without getting your characters tangled.

    • STRUCTURE: using building blocks to create the plot of your novel.

    • CHARACTER: create deep, rich characters using acting techniques.

    • PUBLICITY: using techniques for publicity like selling a stage show that include social media, launch teams, connecting with local vendors, and more!

    • And more to come!

    Use the contact form on this page to schedule Annie for your event.

  • Meet me in KC

    MARCH 21-23, 2025

    Come see me at Planet Comicon in Kansas City! I’ll have copies of my books to sign including Junior Year Bites.

    Sign up for my newsletter to get more information on times and possible panel sessions.

  • Indie Author Project winner

    "A Three-Letter Name" wins best YA indie book by a Missouri author

    In November 2022, Annie’s debut novel “A Three-Letter Name” won a special award from the Indie Author Project. It was named best young adult book by an indie Missouri author for 2022. It was a huge honor that left Annie in tears. Click below to read her interview after winning the award.

  • Would you like Annie to visit your school or book club?

    Annie is available to visit schools, book clubs, and writing groups.

    She is happy to share about writing “A Three Letter Name” and her experiences in publishing the novel.

    Also, Annie has a new speaking series, “From Stage to Page.” It covers acting, setting the setting, writing combat scenes, and more, Annie helps teach stage techniques she’s used to become an award-winning author.

    Contact Annie through the contact page to request an appearance.

  • 30 Impressive Indie Books of 2022

    30 Impressive Indie Books of 2022

    “A Three-Letter Name” was chosen as one of “30 impressive indie books of 2022” by Independent Book Review. It’s a huge honor to be included in this list!

  • Annie visits Joplin High School

    Annie in the News: Joplin Globe

    On October 10, 2022, Annie had the honor of spending the day at Joplin High School and sharing about writing. Click on the link below to read the article printed by the Joplin Globe.

    Would you like Annie to visit your school? Click the contact page and fill out a connect form.

  • Podcast: What to Look for in a Publisher

    In the Writerly Lifestyle podcast, David talks to Annie about writing, working with an independent publisher, and how to have a healthy writing community.

    Check out other podcasts on the Writerly Lifestyle too!

  • Blog: 10 Questions with Annie Lisenby

    Check out this interview of Annie by Nikky Lee, a fellow writer and blogger. With her 10 question, Nikky reveals Annie’s writing inspirations and process.

  • Annie In the News

    Recently, I was interviewed on the KOAM morning news to share about my book release and my book signing in Joplin. Thanks to those who came out to support me! It was a great event!

    Click the link below to watch the interview where I share about “A Three Letter Name.”

  • Annie in the News

    After being delayed due to the pandemic, Annie’s first Chicken Soup for the Soul story was published in 2020. The story behind the story and Annie’s desire to help others like her grandmother was featured in a news story through the local NBC station.